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For those that do not need sophisticated tools to communicate with their members, we have introduced an easier way to do that. We have developed a simple and powerful script that  gives your web site the “subscribe/unsubscribe”  and  mass mailing capabilities. With this scripting tool your visitors can subscribe to your newsletter, receive a confirmation about the subscription, and be confirmed as a subscriber.

How does it work?

For a small, one time setup fee, we will install the script on your server, or for a small monthly fee we will provide you with a web site dedicated only to subscribe/unsubscribe your visitors.

   General Features of Subscribe/Unsubscribe script.


- Visitors can subscribe by simple typing their email and clicking the button "Subscribe".

- Visitors can unsubscribe by simple typing their email and clicking the button "Unsubscribe".

- Customized subject line of email that will be sent when someone subscribes.

- Customized body of the message of email that will be sent when someone subscribes.

- No maintenance necessary

- Easily integrated with Multiemail Server.

- Sends a simple text message to all subscribers from the list.

  If you need to send fully customized email newsletters then you have to consider one of      Multiemail programs


                                                  See Screen



Prices  One time setup fee $69 to install the script on your server   Order by Shareit

                                                                                                  Order by Pay Pal



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