MultiEmail is the ideal product for companies who need an efficient way of
marketing their products and services to a relatively large group of
existing customers. Expand your revenue potential with email advertisements,
promote special offers to dealers or customers, or simply just stay in touch
with a large audience through emailed newsletters. MultiEmail creates
business opportunities using efficient permission based email marketing,
while at the same time allowing you to focus on operating your business.
Once your mailing list or database is loaded into the program, addresses can
be added, removed or database records searched without re-loading the list
each time. MultiEmail uses intuitive command options on the main form,
eliminating complicated sub categories.


Professional bulk email software with a
proven rock-solid email engine with built-in SMTP server, based on
four years of research and development by the MultiEmail Software
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MultiEmail Plus is a self-directed,
powerful mass email software program, enabling you, the business
owner, to execute your own mass email marketing programs
automatically to millions of customers from your personal
computer. You can email thousands of email messages to customers,
clients or prospects, without the need to hire expensive outside
contractors. Best of all, MultiEmail Plus includes all the
comprehensive tools needed to completely automate your online
business mailings.
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